Rescued and Redeemed: How to Discern Demons from the Divine

book cover - rescued and redeemed

Sharon Beekmann believed that the spiritual realm was a safe place to explore. But the spirits she contacted eventually controlled and attacked her. While in the demonic nightmare, God revealed himself, and later, Jesus Christ rescued and redeemed her. Her testimony is a powerful witness to the gospel and a useful resource for anyone oppressed by spiritual evil.

Sharon wrote Rescued and Redeemed as a resource for believers to give to friends and family members engaged in New Age and/or occult practices. She teaches believers about the deception of the enemy and the power of the gospel and Scripture to enable them to stand with Christ amid spiritual assaults.

Numerous people in the West are searching for meaningful spiritual experience by contacting “angels” and “spirit guides.” Sharon Beekmann’s story tragically illustrates that not all spirits have our best interest in mind.
—Dr. Clinton E. Arnold
Dean, Talbot School of Theology

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